
Results 14 comments of rajamoulimallareddy

> > Hey @Tetracyl, I would like to work on this issue > > Sure! Let me know if you need any help. ``` let oldtracks = dispatcher.queue let counter...

> > Hey @Tetracyl, I would like to work on this issue > > Any updates on this? the above code works fine

> **Information:** > Explain what is the new feature do, what is it for, etc. > > **Additional context** > Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request...

> ``` > this.player > .on("start", () => { > this.current = this.queue.shift(); > if (this.textChannel) this.textChannel.send(util.embed().setcolor (message.guild.me.display.HexColor).setDescription(`🎶 | Now playing **${this.current.info.title}**.`)); > }) > ``` > > embed color...

> thx worked sry to asking again how can I add current playing music link to the description message in this result message [ ${this.current.info.title} ] If you are talking...

> and how can i mention after [${this.current.info.title}]($%7Bthis.current.info.uri%7D) in [mention] > > like "SONG NAME" requested by [@rajamoulimallareddy#0 0 0 1] keep like ${this.current.requester} or ${this.current.requester.tag} .....

> can some one answer my questions in discord ? Join here https://discord.gg/K9BnjfEwqy

> ![Screenshot 2021-10-24 004459](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/91519759/138571833-ff03a473-ecbe-49c9-9a07-be07b79b1be1.png) how can i fix this ? lava link eror : > > > 2021-10-24 00:31:27.042 ERROR 10716 --- [ader-2-thread-5] l.server.player.AudioLoaderRestHandler : Track loading failed > >...

> Spotify playlist can't be played on this bot? Any help try keeping autoResolve: true in (MusicClient.js where u defined lavasfy or Spotify manager) @mercenaryexc

> Filters for this bot? , I think you can add them using Lavalink. it is very easy const player = message.guild.music; player.node.send({ op: "filters", guildId: msg.guild.id || msg.guild, :...