Raja Kolli

Results 15 comments of Raja Kolli

I will check sharing of containers for multiple tests from different classes

Please go through this link https://rieckpil.de/reuse-containers-with-testcontainers-for-fast-integration-tests/ it helps to use @DynamicProperties

@maciejwalkowiak , does this [sample ](https://github.com/rajadilipkolli/aws-stack/tree/main/aws-sqs-project)fits?

`spring-ai-ollama-spring-boot-starter` also has similar issue, whereas `spring-ai-openai-spring-boot-starter` has first class support for this. Perhaps should visit all starters once for retry

Hi @Craven-Pirate , you can get latest from [here](https://www.amfiindia.com/spages/NAVAll.txt)

@AnuragAmbuj , please checkout [this](https://github.com/rajadilipkolli/aws-stack/tree/main/aws-secretmanager-project) project where it is working using all latest versions

Hi @sivaprasadreddy , updated sample with a minor work around, can you once check it and let me know if it is what you are looking for.

Thanks @sivaprasadreddy for your observations, implemented the same in sample. `05:43:25.813 [main] INFO com.example.awsspring.ApplicationIntegrationTest - The following 1 profile is active: "test" 05:43:25.842 [main] INFO io.awspring.cloud.autoconfigure.config.secretsmanager.SecretsManagerPropertySources - Loading secrets from...

Hi @CasaSky , both `SecretsManagerClient` and `SecretsManagerAsyncClient` are not auto configured. Thats the reason why you need to create a Bean.

> Thanks @sivaprasadreddy for your observations, implemented the same in sample. > > `05:43:25.813 [main] INFO com.example.awsspring.ApplicationIntegrationTest - The following 1 profile is active: "test" 05:43:25.842 [main] INFO io.awspring.cloud.autoconfigure.config.secretsmanager.SecretsManagerPropertySources -...