Raja Babu

Results 10 comments of Raja Babu

Add this to firestore security rules ``` rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /{document=**} { allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null; } } } ```

Anyone can help. My app is in production and I am facing this isssue.

Nope. Shifted to agora for now.

Hey @jacobaraujo7 Any help on this? My app is in production.

The issue is here I believe ` var mutationCache = await _localStorageMutation.getAll(); for (var key in mutationCache.keys) { await _sendPost(mutationCache[key], key); }` It's getting called multiple times so is the...

I haven't tried it. I changed some code in my fork and using that. I believe @jacobaraujo7 will work.

I tested the new release. Problem persists

You can create a client something like this. ``` class HasuraClient { HasuraConnect get hasuraConnect => HasuraConnect("https:///v1/graphql", headers: { "X-Hasura-Role": "user", }, token: (isError) async { //sharedPreferences or other storage...

Nope. It will be called when token expires. On Thu, 6 Aug 2020, 5:00 pm Arpit Jacob, wrote: > Thanks I was using exactly this code and I had removed...

If I am not wrong he might have implemented this. https://github.com/Flutterando/hasura_connect/blob/master/lib/src/core/hasura_connect_base.dart#L199