Morten N.O. Nørgaard Henriksen

Results 390 comments of Morten N.O. Nørgaard Henriksen

Not sure if everything should be ignored or only warnings regarding node modules?

@Bnaya I've tried rerunning the tests, but seem to be an issue either with caching or lock file - When doing `npm install` in the create-react-app project does it generate...

Webpack 5 and CRA v5 don't add fallbacks for nodejs modules any more, it's a breaking change - dotenv should not be added in the browser code [related issues closed...

@saad696 I'm confused by the title of this issue - is it related to Tailwind or DotEnv? (if both then let's create two separate issues, one topic per issue :)...

Hi @dannyskoog thanks for reporting, I cannot replicate, my steps could be slightly different though - here goes: 1. `npx [email protected] test-jest-watch --template typescript` 2. `cd test-jest-watch` 3. `npm run...

@Fosol I took a quick look yesterday, but no luck - feel free to help debug etc. I'll post if I get closer to figuring it out - also looking...

~@Fosol If you set the environment variable `WDS_SOCKET_PORT="location"` does it then work as expected? _(If so we might want to set default values for sockPort etc. in the `webpackDevServer.config.js` [ref...

Its a bug, not a breaking change (its a bug in the webpack or wds config in CRA - Its one config url we need to remove just need to...

WDS_SOCKET_PORT=0 Will use window location, still think its a misconfig in CRA but I'll check history in wds server to look for other clues