Rainer Sigwald

Results 248 comments of Rainer Sigwald

It is safe, and that's a good workaround. We should extend this check https://github.com/microsoft/MSBuildLocator/blob/ed4fce73f2f946c08f7ecf6f2a9cb64b056003f5/src/MSBuildLocator/build/Microsoft.Build.Locator.targets#L7 to be "contains `runtime`" instead of "is".

MSBuild controls it for AppDomainIsolatedTask, but tasks are (sadly) free to create their own AppDomains. Not sure if XAML does that, though.

> In practice though, since you can't unload assemblies in Framework, it can't really revert everything back to the original state... Yeah, when reviewing #107 I came to the same...

MSBuild itself has some assumptions about running in the default ALC. I don't think we had a bug for that so I filed https://github.com/dotnet/msbuild/issues/6794. Until that is fixed, I'm not...

The same basic problem is the root cause of dotnet/sdk#26065, but there it's NuGet references of lower versions "next to the app" that are causing load failures of higher versions...

@AndyGerlicher Thoughts on this?

The philosophy so far has been to push this onto the calling code, allowing it to get a list of options and filter/sort that in its own way. https://github.com/microsoft/MSBuildLocator/blob/8b5c58f5842f58ebf860ece96ac0f6924df839b1/samples/BuilderApp/Program.cs#L26-L27 Do...

I'd be on board with adding fields to our object to make filtering easier. Unfortunately, the things you're interested in don't seem to be available in [`ISetupInstance2`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.visualstudio.setup.configuration.isetupinstance2). Adding filtering options...

Not that I can see. The only "properties" I see are: ``` campaignId: 1060713956.1557239266 setupEngineFilePath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installershell.exe nickname: channelManifestId: VisualStudio.16.Release/16.1.1+28922.388 ```

Happened to be looking at something nearby today, and noticed that the [sample VS Setup API application](https://github.com/microsoft/vs-setup-samples/blob/8fcafdb17bd1df6ac7a59a22ce362e999bc33a5a/Setup.Configuration.CS/Program.cs) emits some information that looks related to these things. Evidently `IsPrerelease` is available...