Rainer Gericke

Results 9 comments of Rainer Gericke

Hi Nick, on my Mac 10.15.5 it doesn't happen. After building chrono you should be able to start an application bundle like yours in this way: **./myexe.app/Contents/MacOS/myexe** without any changes....

Some additions about static chrono libraries: I tried to build and test the most important modules. I got working: - core - postprocess - OpenGL - parallel - Irrlicht If...

Yes it flashes the window and crashes. It was functional some weeks ago. The problem is also there on Vulkan 1.3.211. Vulkan 1.3.211 can also be replaced by SwiftShader. With...

SwiftShader is CPU based Vulkan implementation, actually on Level 1.3.211. It can be used on Machines with no Vulkan driver for their GPU. https://swiftshader.googlesource.com/SwiftShader/ I can go back in time...

Thank you for the hints. I could not find a working configuration yet. I remember last friday, when Apple published the MacOS update from 12.4 to 12.5. After this update...

It crashes: vsgtexturearray -d [mvk-error] VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST: MTLCommandBuffer "vkQueueSubmit CommandBuffer on Queue 0-0" execution failed (code 3): Caused GPU Address Fault Error (0000000b:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorPageFault) VUID-vkDestroySemaphore-semaphore-01137(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -1588160456 - Validation Error:...

Yes it is the same failure. Replacing vulkan by SwiftShader (Vulkan Emulation) makes the example work again, like before.

Yes, it might be a driver problem. If the example works on Windows, Linux and on SwiftShader, the vsg code cannot be too bad.

Actually this problem is not urgent, because the effect of texture arrays can also be achieved by texture repeating. If you want, just close this issue.