
Results 9 issues of raindy29

Error: 'PosPrintResult' is imported from both 'package:esc_pos_printer/src/enums.dart' and 'package:esc_pos_bluetooth/src/enums.dart'. import 'package:esc_pos_bluetooth/esc_pos_bluetooth.dart';

Simplified Chinese used in China,Taiwan is called Traditional Chinese,cKanji is only available in Japan and South Korea. I see the Chinese encoding is gbk_codec,but lost big5(Taiwan) code, could you add...

please change QRCode function List textBytes = utf8.encode(text);

在main.js 加入 import Vonic from 'vonic' gulp 就會出現錯誤 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'Vue' in '/home/test/www/node_modules/vonic/dist' 參考之前的issue還是無法解決,請問有人在larave能成功編譯嗎? 還是只能用include js 的方式處理

I'm sure the protocol TCP:4370, but why are all zklib library connected using UDP? I have to track code (function connect), socket_recvfrom($this->socket, $this->received_data, 1024, 0, $this->ip, $this->port); always return empty...

I am try Bluetooth Print,But unable to automatically connect after disconnection, Be sure to kill the POS PRINTER app?

Try to use phone and simulator are the same error E/AndroidRuntime(31250): FATAL EXCEPTION: DefaultDispatcher-worker-1 E/AndroidRuntime(31250): Process: app.test.com, PID: 31250 E/AndroidRuntime(31250): java.lang.RuntimeException: Methods marked with @UiThread must be executed on the...