Process substitution with mlr is not working for me on Windows with Cygwin. ``` uname -r 3.4.6-1.x86_64 csvdb="$(printf "a,b,c\n1,2,3\n4,5,6\n7,8,9")" # https://miller.readthedocs.io/en/latest/streaming-and-memory/ # Fully streaming verbs mlr --csv cat
Thanks! I have observed this behavior with `mlr 6.7.0-dev` (`git clone https://github.com/johnkerl/miller`) and `mlr 6.7.0` compiled from source. I only compiled from source because I had a separate issue: when...
I am able to create a non-static binary of gocryptfs, initialize a folder and mount it, and write/read files. Tested on aarch64 Android 9 and 12 (kernel 4.4.302). Static binaries...
First, install Cygwin to get a Linux environment on Windows. Then you can install mdbtools from the package manager. The latest Cygwin version at the time of writing (version 0.6pre1-4)...
@insinfo Here are the compiled mdbtools-v1.0.0 binaries for Windows. I still recommend compiling from source and installing, but these might work on their own. [binaries-win-mdbtools-v1.0.0.zip](https://github.com/mdbtools/mdbtools/files/13964891/binaries-win-mdbtools-v1.0.0.zip)