Rahul Sunil
Rahul Sunil
I would like to work on this.
@chandrevdw31 Is someone already working on this? If not, can you please assign this to me?
> @rahulsunil2 Are you still interested in this? Yes @ZoranPandovski, I'm looking forward to working on this it gets assigned to me.
@ZoranPandovski I was hoping to work on this.
> @rahulsunil2 You did not make any changes? I made that commit to merge the latest pull from the origin repo to fix the docker issue.
> Can you please add the default value (in the definitions) in the **widgetConfig.js**? I have made this change and pushed the commit.
@arpitnath Any updates?
Can I work on this issue?
@LenzGr @dbazhenov I would love to work on this issue. Please assign it to me.