Rahul Nath
Rahul Nath
Sorry, Can you give more details on what you are trying to run? this repository has all my blog samples so can't tell which one this is relating to.
No worries - It's been a long time since I have written this. are there any keys in the key vault that you are connecting to? Looks like that might...
The current script is for one vault - You will need to modify it to loop through multiple if you want. Let me know if you are able to solve...
@sonalis04 Did you have any luck with this?
@mikehadlow Are we running into this issue [mentioned here](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/protect/forum/protect_defender-protect_scanning-windows_10/my-software-is-being-falsely-flagged-for/3a7a1d95-0c26-4b5b-92a6-9b49bc475bd1?auth=1) On a side note, I tried downloading the zip and unpacking and surprisingly didn't throw any error. Also nothing when I...
@agross If you still remember what this is :) Does this also not depend on the assembly binding redirects? So it is still be valid to have a different version...
Cool thanks @agross for confirming. But The fix for this will need to check assembly binding entries too and not just the assembly version that an exe refers too. @mikehadlow...
For .NET 6, this seems to be the way to set up - https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-dotnet/tree/master/Libraries/src/Amazon.Lambda.AspNetCoreServer.Hosting
For anyone reaching here now, looks like this issue is fixed in the plugin with the commit https://github.com/tsmango/jekyll_alias_generator/commit/ff09231320909dede97e44a767acd88ceb74e6a7
@shazadmaved ~~By any chance do you have a sample uploaded anywhere? Looking to do exactly the same~~ Got it working after playing around with it a bit - I will...