Minute Interval is only working in IOS as you mention in docs . May i know how we can do it in Android ?
I am using Archinamon( com.archinamon:android-gradle-aspectj:4.2.0 ),Android gradle version ( com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.6.2) and distributionUrl (https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-6.1-all.zip). Getting below error ERROR: Unable to find method 'com.android.build.gradle.internal.variant.BaseVariantData.getVariantDslInfo()Lcom/android/build/gradle/internal/core/VariantDslInfo;'. Possible causes for this unexpected error include:
We are using archinamon 3.4.5 version . When we used dryRun true in aspectj snippet like below aspectj { includeAllJars true ajcArgs
Hello , I initiated this package in index.js as per given steps. I testes this.test() in app.js file , the output we are getting in error object is right ,...