Rahul Arya
Rahul Arya
There is a little bug with rtl version. in the path of anspress-question-answer\templates\css, RTL.css must change to rtl.css with low case. _Originally posted by @rahularyan in https://github.com/Zen-Projects/community/discussions/2_
Whenever i am trying to enter to my answer page it showing this message. How to solve this problem “Warning: Creating default object from empty value in wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/includes/functions.php on line...
To improve 3rd party compatibility once image is attached create attachment for it. https://anspress.io/questions/question/image-is-uploaded-anspress-tmp-folder-but-after-submission-its-not-uploaded-in-amazon-s3/answer/32320/
when user registed in askbug,you can get 10 reputation. the history of reputation,there is unknown url will be left just like the following image. is that a bug?how to solve?...
trashed post -> status change ( publish ) -> publish trashed post -> status change ( undelete ) -> publish What is difference? https://anspress.io/?p=31337
Hi all! I just realized that there is no items added to BuddyPress activity feed when a new comment is added to an answer. New questions and answers are displayed...