Rahul Arya
Rahul Arya
@shadowshades translation through github will expire soon. You can translate AnsPress here: https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/fr/default/wp-plugins/anspress-question-answer. You can tell me your wp.org user id, I will request glot team to make you editor...
Because it is being checked by JavaScript events Sent from Outlook for Android ________________________________ From: YOONBYEONGIN Sent: Monday, May 28, 2018 4:26:42 PM To: anspress/anspress Cc: Subscribed Subject: [anspress/anspress] Why...
Actually you need to apply this to LESS files :)
Agree. This will be fixed. Thanks
Hello @nextgenthemes I closed it because I was not able to replicate it. You can use this filter to override email template and try to replace template tag: https://github.com/anspress/anspress/blob/master/addons/email/class-helper.php#L262
Thanks for the PR.
Hi Fred, No problem at all. Let me know after checking. Thanks
Yes, you are right. This need to be changed. This function is there in AnsPress since initial release and used in many places. Need to wait for a major release...
Hi Brad, Let me check this.