Rahul Thakoor
Rahul Thakoor
Not sure. What do you think? Are there cases where users want to disable this?
can we control bind mounting folder to volume via a variable?
ah! yeah that makes sense
hi there! can you please provide some details regarding the screen you are using?
hey there @BlackHoleFox ! thanks a lot. Unfortunately, at this point, I'm unable to give an ETA. I am considering some under the hood changes regarding some dependencies used. Is...
hey @djkieras can you try using https://docs.rs/rust_gpiozero/0.2.0/rust_gpiozero/output_devices/struct.OutputDevice.html#method.set_active_high and passing `false` after you create an `OutputDevice`?
I will have to look into this. Thanks
hey @azjkjensen so we should keep ``` min_pulse_width: 1000, max_pulse_width: 2000, ``` ? ie #14 shouldn't be merged but #18 merged instead?
hey, @AldaronLau any thoughts on this?
thanks i will take a look and test a bit later