Raghunathan Ramakrishnan
Raghunathan Ramakrishnan
## Review checklist for @raghurama123 ### Conflict of interest - [x] I confirm that I have read the [JOSS conflict of interest (COI) policy](https://github.com/openjournals/joss/blob/master/COI.md) and that: I have no COIs...
# Review: I welcome the submission of the package pyCADMium to perform electronic structure calculations in prolate spheroidal coordinates. This is a useful contribution. However, there are several points in...
I have provided my review. I am very positive about the utility of the package. I think it is a very useful tool. As stated, the write-up requires some edits....
Hi all, I will respond in a couple of days.
I am happy with the present version of the software paper. I would like to add that I have performed some calculations with pyCADMium and I was able to figure...
Okay, that makes sense. I was confused about the notation. Origin shouldn't be the right choice in this coordinate system as the density of grids may not be good there....