Nicolas Raggueneau
Nicolas Raggueneau
Nice ! Is it ok with the mapbox data licence tough?
Ok sorry I may have read the intro too fast. I was not aware of the statement you've made, about shipping an app with included data. It may be super...
Ok never mind, I was able to change the nodata value using gdal
It's fine, i don't need transparency currently, but yes, it should be possible to have nodata areas. I've seen Dted with no data areas. I'm tried mbtiles format, but when...
thank you for this @dhyams it was very helpful
> Still waiting for upper management to sign the CLA on behalf of our company. Sorry for the delay. I had the same issue. Management guys are very cautious in...
I'm waiting for approval of my managers before signing it
Sorry for the delay. I've signed the CLA
No problem about the delay, I'm not in position to complain :-) I'm little concerned about having several active cesium cameras, but I'm going to try where it goes
I've extended the static field to support multiple cameras, but in cameramanager I only consider the first camera of the list I think it will require much more work to...