James Tucker

Results 38 comments of James Tucker

I demonstrated otherwise. I wouldn't have been here if it worked! :-) On Feb 13, 2017 12:22 AM, "Linwei" wrote: > Your patch is incorrect, "%" will be expanded automatically...

Also, i kinda have to bzzzt at some of the points, you only really want to specialize certain portions of your infrastructure where there are bottlenecks. sync is perfectly suitable...

Passing single termination machines (deferrables) as request/response objects is ok, up to a point. the problem is, that doesn't handle a significant amount of other use cases. As far as...

Wow. Your implication that a reactor library of eventmachines nature should be thread safe is remarkably odd. To be honest, that ticket is somewhat misleading. What it means is, we...

Getting rails 3 to pull ~200r/s with clean code is not hard. I mean real application code, that actually hits a database. Clustering that is not hard. Saving the cost...

CI run: https://github.com/raggi/bitcoin-ruby/runs/2725179889?check_suite_focus=true

I mailed @lian last year, I'm not sure if they're still around. I recently reached out to Penelope who is the other owner of the gems on rubygems.org to see...

The `--topo-order` flag for git log is critical for helping people not hate merge heavy logs.

If https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/8246b2e156568c31e71e16cbaf4c14d316e7c06e/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl-old/tsan_rtl.cpp#L319 is still correct, then this will be a problem, as in my local failure case it is not 64k aligned: request: 0x20015511007070000 aligned: 0x20015511007000000