Raff Viglianti
Raff Viglianti
# Problem I would like to use the [TokenIterator](https://ace.c9.io/#nav=api&api=token_iterator) class, but it is not directly accessible from the Editor class, which is made available on the AceEditor component. How can...
Currently it doesn't seem possible to group empty pointers
E.g. to support use cases like building a `listRelation` with non-mutual relationships, where a `relation` element can have both `@active` and `@passive` pointers. See http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ND.html#NDPERSREL
Allow the user to undock and drag the current entry panel.
Custom attribute values can be somewhat parametrized by the user (e.g. with `%filename`). It would be useful to allow some basic XPath (e.g. `//TEI/@xml:id`) for something like `wit="#TEIid"`. Only XPath...
Currently xinclude elements raise a validity error. Scholarly XML should process xi:include elements before validation.