Raff Viglianti
Raff Viglianti
Maybe this is for a different ticket, but what do you mean by grouping editorial interventions? If it's akin to the example above, then choice/orig/reg is the obvious solution, no...
I would group them with choice/orig/reg. `` is an editorial description of missing content (so not an intervention, per se), while `` makes sense on its own, but in this...
I think that's worth it; so that we get to keep the definition of choice and subst well distinguished between editor and scribe. But we probably need to hear from...
Great! Yes, their extension is starting to cover a lot of ground without needing Java. My understanding is that what you described is the expected behavior for xinclude: the included...
I mean that users would have to modify the schema and add elements to .
HI @tillgrallert, thanks for reporting this! The next release will have a configuration file, so I'll experiment with adding an option for this. The extension uses a SAX approach for...
Hello @oscarlevin and @StevenClontz thanks for reaching out! I would be happy to talk more, I could drop in for the Friday meeting if that helps (I can join at...