Raff Viglianti
Raff Viglianti
I plan on adding schematron support, but I need to start with a feasibility assessment since validating Schematron typically requires XSLT-based strategies and I'm committed to keeping this plugin only...
Thanks for your interest! Would you consider contributing a patch for this? I plan on making further improvements to this plugin in the near future (ie before June-ish because of...
Using positional attributes on text elements is way too procedural; the positioning of the divs in your example belongs outside of MEI (ie your processing).
If need be, I second adding x/y/w/h (or ulx/uly/lrx/lry) on ``. The element is explicitly procedural so at least it allows to keep this information off `` (and other similar...
@zub2 setting `async={false}` as you suggested just worked for me! I'm using Helmet 6.1.0 within Gatsby 2.23.3 with TypeScript
Hello, the extension currently does not support validation with multiple schemas. I will label this issue as a possible future enhancement.
This has been open for several years... no interest from the devs? These functions are really convenient.
Indeed! That should be an orig/reg: ``` xml ```
Huh. I'm surprised that's the only example. Something with music ficta, or adding an accidental forgotten in a manuscript would be much more relevant.
@pe-ro what's wrong with my choice/orig/reg rewrite of the example above? That's how it would be done in TEI and it does what was intended in the original example with...