Rafe Colton

Results 20 comments of Rafe Colton

Any update on this? We are seeing the same issue.

Hi @danielschonfeld, thank you for contributing! I like both of your suggestions, so I am going to implement both of them. Following are my initial thoughts. tl;dr `"bobfile":` - If...

@danielschonfeld this work is taking place on the [bobconfig-bobfile-and-container-groups](https://github.com/modcloth/docker-builder/tree/bobconfig-bobfile-and-container-groups) branch

@danielschonfeld if you think this will make your life easier now, wait until it gets integrated with [quay.io](https://quay.io/) :wink: So the way it's designed above, yes, you would have to...

The Bobfile path part of this request is addressed [here](https://github.com/modcloth/docker-builder/pull/108) Still working on the rest - would love for you to build from the above branch and give some feedback

So for sure the things that are specific to build-time would go in there. For example, we can't set a default Bobfile in the Bobfile itself. Setting the container group...

Removing "`needed?`" label, per feedback

Possible solution: docker inside of docker, run the builder in the sub container, run the worker in the main container (with `--privileged`)

use https://github.com/jpetazzo/dind

So here is a proposition for a solution may work: When run inside of a container, docker-builder could have two different components: a _leader_ and a _follower_. The _leader_ runs...