Rafal Stepien
Rafal Stepien
Repository: https://github.com/pepkit/eido Documentation: http://eido.databio.org/en/latest/ An open source tool used to validate and convert PEP format sample metadata against a schema.
Peppy does not create correct list of `Sample()` objects stored in `self._samples`. If there is a column in `sample_table.csv` or `subsample_table.csv` that is empty for any row, then `peppy` does...
For PEP project which defines `sample_table_index` other than default (`sample_name`) the following error is raised: ``` (databio) cgf8xr@cphg-fqvt2j3:~/databio/repos/pep-nextflow/pseudo_nextflow_task$ bash eido_convert.sh Detecting duplicate sample names ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00 Traceback (most recent...
I encountered a problem where one sample from sample_table had two runs: one for paired-end and second for single-end sequencing and received following error. ``` (databio) cgf8xr@cphg-fqvt2j3:~/databio/repos/pep-nextflow/pseudo_nextflow_task$ eido validate --st-index...