Rafał Schmidt

Results 9 issues of Rafał Schmidt

Hi! I have a problem with my slides, because whenever i change my page all slides are showed. But when i refresh website (f5) everything start work. This is my...

Hi, While doing your tutorial i got a problem with configuration: ``` ERROR in ./client/index.jsx Module build failed: Error: React Hot Loader: The Webpack loader is now exported separately. If...

## Current behavior Current get/instant methods do not allow to load string in a specific language: ```typescript instant(key: string|Array, interpolateParams?: Object): string|Object ``` ## Expected behavior I would love to...

Hi, I'm getting error while sending email: ` System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Must issue a...

* **IDE name and version:** 2022.2.3 * **Styled-components plugin version:** 222.4345.14 ## Problem description: I wish there will be a support for xstyled theme variables. Are you planing to add...

**Describe the solution you'd like** A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. Hi, is it possible to run `{{ blog_content }}` macro from `.html` instead of...

Based on https://alpha2phi.medium.com/neovim-pde-net-c-417fe33ffbaf

``` Task QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync(string query, object? param = null); ``` to ``` Task QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync(string query, object? param = null); ``` https://github.com/allegro/dotnet-utils/blob/be8be41302e1916697a9ac38f66871fd4e46a521/src/Allegro.Extensions.Dapper/Allegro.Extensions.Dapper/Abstractions/IDapperClient.cs#L25C1-L26C1

NET library that provides a Twitter Snowflake-alike ID generator for .NET. It is based on the IP address and network mask and is designed to offer low-latency, distributed, time-ordered, compact,...