@tpgxyz I playerd around with that and here is the things we need to discuss here before me move on. - [ ] 1. We need to fix issue with...
> @rafal1137 i do not fully understand how you above comment is related to the finding that i made that etlegacy is broken when compiled with `-flto` The post I...
**Windows** There was 3rd option already as far I remember when you had ET 2.60b installed and path was in registry it was copying the files for you. Your suggestion...
Could you alteast give us more info about your phone ? Is mouse getting powered on when you plug it being in Android Menu ?
@yaku13 Which version of omnibots was used here? Because I want to recreate exactly same scenario here.
@yaku13 @hellreturn Result: Platform: Win32 Mod: silent 0.9.0 Omni-bot: 0.87.1 Ded Server: etlded v2.80.2 Omni-bot.cfg ```cfg [Debug] DumpFileEnable = true DumpFileDialog = true [Script] LiveUpdate = false [ServerManager] MaxBots =...
@Eonfge Hi There I am about write about this issue posted on our tracker https://dev.etlegacy.com/issues/1351 So far my progress stopped at trying to run single-click-build.sh I am getting error/errors >...
@julianrichen Yes you are correct 0.10.9 here
Guys try use this one instead https://github.com/jorissteyn/php-zbarcode/tree/gophp7
There is a section about omnibot compilation on aarch64 https://techyian.github.io/2018-10-14-install-enemy-territory-on-raspberry-pi/