@uraimo Here is a part of the code responsible for building packages, release files and it fails here. Before this one compilation takes place which is compiling and have no...
@elijahr It starts from here: https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/blob/new_actions_rpi/.github/workflows/build.yml#L104 Part of the CI Detection: https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/blob/master/cmake/ETLVersion.cmake#L99 As described below: > message(STATUS "Detected build running in CI, using full version string instead") But it does...
@elijahr Pipeline: > easybuild.sh -> cmake -> make Other containers so to speak have no such issue and build is correct > Scanning dependencies of target mod_pk3 [100%] Generating legacy/legacy_v2.76-1620-g0cf1042.pk3...
I having same issue with it but I am not using self-hosted node.
Point of interest [ETPub](https://github.com/BulldogDrummond/etpub/blob/d6e81ec7d8c62a4fab5c970a850aad049e2ed9ee/trunk/src/game/g_antilag.c#L624) Replace servertime value with attackTime and test the results.
Interesting note in NQ code `// tjw: save ucmd->serverTime before it gets mutilated further // tack on 2 server frames time for "50ms built-in lag"` Propably worth implementing it Ref:...
@rmarquis Yeah this reply from * http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/viewtopic.php?p=53470 > you fixed a problem you were having giving you 50 ms lag all the time Might be a reason why it was...
Do not you know that PB does not support ET at all anymore ? Thus sending screenshots to PB Servers never gonna happen. Marking this as invalid and closing
It does also flicker when you aim at specified angle and move around.
TODO: Set It programatically. Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68756901/how-to-get-activity-in-full-screen-immersive-also-over-the-front-camera-hole-a