Meaby it was about .cfg files being culplit here. But I have solution here: https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/commit/43910ea4732d29013e409b0beb27573113003932 I can see your point here. Are you abble to build from this branch ?
@DanTheMann15 I compiled it myself here take it and test it is `tar.gz` package its builded like in every release/snapshot just copy required files or run from here it is...
@DanTheMann15 Ok found the issue here I do terminate all ui_finalURL with `\n` But this should be taken https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/blob/fa79ee0b2c76dd2db75c0874dbe6c86a87f3e5e8/src/ui/ui_atoms.c#L113 ``` set ui_finalURL https://ets-clan.com\n ``` [ui.zip](https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/files/12841010/ui.zip) So there are 2 solutions...
@DanTheMann15 Ok done. Now all links included in your pk3 works fine without weird extra chars in it. Marking it as fixed/closed. Will merge changes to master.
@DanTheMann15 Done https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/pull/2402
This one can be closed: Fixed in: https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/commit/cd05cde4e61b4ec49057577448afb9d1442aecb0
> > Hi @zinwalin . It should be possible to reuse maximum of cpp code. There are some differences on OS level API, but they can be wrapped by ifdef....
@GeneralKenobi72 The issue you are describing refers to omnibots path not being correctly set/flatpak file system makes it hard to load them. I do remember correctly how/where flatpak stores all...
@GeneralKenobi72 What would happen if you lauch etl binary with `+set omnibot_enable 1 +set omnibot_path "./legacy/omni-bot"` and paste console output when you run a server using etl. NOTE: When running...
@GeneralKenobi72 We do not recommend/expect new players to play with hosting their servers without any knowledge of how to do it, any minimal knowledge about how to set it up...