Rafael Ramalho
Rafael Ramalho
Any progress on this? Spreading the NodeList doesn't seem to work anymore. You actually have to do something like ``` const elements = []; nodeListElements.forEach(nodeListElement => elements.push(nodeListElement)); ``` EDIT: I...
>💚 This removes the need for testing webui in Desktop, as this version is already tested before go-ipfs release 💠Not quite true, it could still impact something "taskbar related"...
How about adding the possibility to store a function in the store and execute it automatically? e.g. `conf.set('foo', () => new Date());` And whenever the user fetches the value, we...
I guess thats true. Just wanted it to allow for broader use-cases.
Another solution would be to have websockets handle these kinds of updates. I know that involves a higher number of changes, but I believe it's the most efficient approach to...
Relevant fix for this at https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-webui/pull/1534
@olizilla is the current behavior satisfactory to close this issue or is something missing?
Having a separate page handler for both the errors is the simplest and cleanest solution, here's my points: Pros: - 💚 We don't need to hack the files state (FILES_FINISHED,...
@iteles Maybe you should allow several UI options to be chosen at the start and then invest more on the most popular choice?
To anyone lookin at a temp solution, I've rendered the Inky element individually and then pasted the code inside the if tag. But I'm still waiting on a permanent on...