Rafael K. Streit
Rafael K. Streit
@tmbiOS Yes, please! :-)
@UsmanArbisoft Thanks for opening the issue!
@nuvitu Hey, did you take a look in our docs about self-signed certificates on iOS and Android? https://rocket.chat/docs/developer-guides/mobile-apps/supporting-ssl/#supporting-ssl-for-development-on-rocketchat
@nuvitu This is not what Samar is talking about... you need to install the certificate on your iPhone, and then on your iPhone you need to go to `Settings >...
@xereda @nuvitu After you've installed your self-signed certificate on the iOS device (you can open it directly from your iOS device and install it) you go to: > Settings >...
@YoungLinkar @nuvitu You need to trust the root certificate on your iOS device.
@hog-seruj Thank you! Do you have any pull-requests in mind for the implementation of this on iOS?
@naguchennai @mmarif4u That's a great question! We're going to prepare a documentation for that as soon as possible. In the meantime, you could take a look on how we're using...
@mohanadrefaai What's the REST API to send this information?
@onlymnsh Not right now... you can see how we use the SDK in our app for now: http://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.Android/