Rafael F Beraldo

Results 8 issues of Rafael F Beraldo

## Problem I'm trying to toggle sidebar with Vuejs: ```html export default { data() { return { isHidden: false } } } ``` It doens't work because on CSS you're...


Any way to import components on demand? Something like ``` import { Alert, Tooltip } from 'vue-blu' Vue.component('alert', Alert) ``` That doesn't work.

The Notify and Modal components doesn't have any closing animation, any chance to have this?


I'm getting this error after just installing on my project Edit: as standalone component. I did the ``npm install vue-bulma-notification --save`` and when I try to ``import Notification from 'vue-bulma-notification'``...

### Describe the bug When rejecting promises for streamed data, dev server usually crashes, and when it doesn't crash it doesn't show my custom error message. ### Reproduction https://stackblitz.com/edit/sveltejs-kit-template-default-2dz1kb?file=src/routes/+page.server.js ###...

error handling

[Electron Forge's](https://www.electronforge.io/templates/vite-+-typescript) default Vite config creates 4 files for Vite: - `vite.base.config.ts` - `vite.main.config.ts` - `vite.preload.config.ts` - `vite.renderer.config.ts` Would be nice to have the correct icon. Thanks!

Add a hook that triggers after the prebuilt Electron binary has been extracted to the output directory. What I was looking for is a `beforeAsar` (or `afterCopy`) hook, but looks...


* **Electron-Builder Version**: 24.13.3 * **Node Version**: 20.11.1 * **Electron Version**: 29.3.0 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: stable/current * **Target**: win32 Related: https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/5619 I need to modify some files...