Tai Chi Minh Ralph Eastwood
Tai Chi Minh Ralph Eastwood
I don't recall seeing any implementation of file i/o context switching. I suspect that they use separate threads to read files and then cache it. Lwan has manual coroutines mixed...
I was wrong - lwan uses mmap for small files. https://tia.mat.br/posts/2012/10/14/vectored_i_o_with_mmap___to_serve_files.html
Relevant for Linux: https://lwn.net/Articles/671649/
I was thinking what about a mfork-based design with a POSIX shm-backed channel (synchronised using POSIX sem) to communicate with a separate I/O process. Thoughts on this @sustrik?
1. Yes, that's true - but that gives the overhead of both files and sockets. 2. Maybe, it feels like the IPC channel is something that nanomsg provides/intends to provide....
I've been trying to reproduce it with a simpler condition but am unfortunately finding it difficult. I'm currently using exuberant ctags and generating for: ctags -R * /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/10.2.1/include /usr/local/include /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/10.2.1/include-fixed...
For reference, my current work is going here: https://github.com/raedwulf/oglplus/tree/macosx Once I manage to get something working, I'll probably pull out the individual commits if you need them in separate pull...
I'm a cross-platform developer so I'm happy to help! I made a simpler test program and it appears oglplus works.... but I can't figure what the current test harness is...
I suspect it might be something to do with ordering of GL-related initialisation... I'll try and break down the example harness until it works.
I've got it to work! The problem was that it was linking with the X11 GL libraries with your cmake script - which do not work properly on MacOS X....