Tai Chi Minh Ralph Eastwood
Tai Chi Minh Ralph Eastwood
I'll have a look into this, thanks!
Unfortunately sorry, I don't have time to maintain this, I'm looking for someone to take on maintenance of the repository.
Thanks for the clarifications - I did overlook a number of things in my idealised protocol-world. I was on roughly the same wavelength but it seems I assumed that composing...
I've realised that there's two issues with not allowing partial sends/recvs. Firstly, there's the minor issue where protocols, like CRLF, are inefficient because they do not know lengths beforehand. So...
I have two approaches in mind that avoid breaking the semantics of bsend and brecv: My first approach is a new 'oracle' function: ``` C DSOCK_EXPORT int bwait(int s, size_t...
Thanks! Ouch, yes that does introduce a lot of complexities. 1. I can do some quick benchmarks to see if that's indeed an issue (an easy test would be a...
Would there be any downside with introducing a function like libmill's ``` C size_t tcprecvuntil(tcpsock s, void *buf, size_t len, const char *delims, size_t delimcount, int64_t deadline); ``` All the...
Your point does make sense. I'll use the existing interface and see if I encounter any difficulties. Thanks!
On Windows, this is difficult. `proc` has `fork` semantics which is difficult to emulate using Window's `spawn`-like APIs. It is possible, however, cygwin and Windows 10 do manage this. I'll...
For reference, this might be feasible: https://github.com/kaniini/win32-fork/blob/master/fork.c