
Results 13 comments of Rad

Any comment about this. How to make it work? What would the code look like with Final IK?

I didn't try, but I thought jackbrookes tried and reported it. Did you try if it works with Unity2018? Can you share your Unity project files when using Final IK...

@createthis Sure I will try your project. I am new to Unity and I will take step by step. I will also buy Final IK and I just wondered how...

I think I fixed this problem on windows 10. I was debugging GPT Pilot svelte vs code extension and I put breakpoint on this line: Line 270: `const cmd =...

@senko Is VS code open source? I sent you an email if you can read it. Yes, you are right. Let's make GPT interaction reliable on Windows. Also I want...

Can we agree that to set working folder as a separate argument: cwd and execute intended command: command next: const cwd = path.join(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders?.[0].uri.fsPath, folder); spawn(shell, [shellFlag, command], { cwd });...

Thank you. Do you think you can create a video tutorial on this for windows users. Should I maximize my video that I download from the downloading site? I usually...

Thank you @minyor Here is my attempt at making a mask by following the tutorial on readme page: [Synthesia4.zip](https://github.com/minyor/syn2midi/files/4459673/Synthesia4.zip) I used Photoshop and proper spacing of full circles which are...

Yes, definitively allow 1/10 of a second offset. What about some playing in advance of the current cursor in PianoBooster. I will check how it works with the second video.