Radek Czemerys

Results 35 comments of Radek Czemerys

This library is no longer supported @pharapeti

This is similar to #424. This slows down local builds a lot. Especially if you're on a slower network.

RN wants to make RN CLI available for devs (clients). How package management in node projects works is that devDependencies are not shipped to clients. So developers would have to...

Everything is described quite well here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50773748/difference-requiresmainqueuesetup-and-dispatch-get-main-queue/50775641

If anyone has a problem with setting jest right now create a file `__mocks__/react-native-inappbrowser-reborn.js` and then add there: ``` export default { open: jest.fn(), close: jest.fn(), openAuth: jest.fn(), closeAuth: jest.fn(),...

I'm using the library with 0.69 now and not facing issues, but I'm happy to review and merge any fixes. Or at least if you can provide any reproduction that...

@kockok is this during react-native init command?

This unfortunately is causing the M1 Macs simulator to break.