Michael Wuergler

Results 21 issues of Michael Wuergler

I love working with this component, but it took me a while to finally get up and running. So my humble request: It would be awesome if one of the...


When I try to import this using the instructions on the Readme, I get the following error: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5614571/61184322-af487f00-a64c-11e9-9020-6b38e7aa34a2.png) macOS Mojave 10.14 Terminal Version 2.9 (421)

The currency list is growing fast! It is nearly 4,000 items long 😱 so it takes forever to view. An idea could be that when the currency list is generated,...

help wanted

**Actual Behaviour** The Handlebars conditional statements are not behaving the same way in the SendGrid Email Template Preview application (via `https://mc.sendgrid.com/dynamic-templates/{id}`) and the email that is delivered to the email...

This plugin is missing tests, so I wrote some integration tests that test the plugin with rollup. ## Changes - Adds integration tests in rollup + plugin - Adds a...

It would be really nice to have the ability to just pull in the methods you need, instead of pulling in the entire library for a single method. I have...

In your demonstration video, you use two different rulers to check the margins of a webpage element. If Linear's rulers had ruler marks (the little lines that are usually on...


Seems the update to Electron `v1+` has changed some behaviors in the Chromeless window, and now the rulers are able to resize themselves to negative widths and heights: ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5614571/16028632/04872084-31d9-11e6-9b9e-e2127009fec0.png) Before...


Ever since the upgrade to Electron version `1.2.2`, there are randomly-sized rectangles appearing in the background of the ruler windows (notice the darker region in the lower left of the...


If you supply this module with a number to speak, for example: ```js Speech.speak({ text: 5 }); ``` it will result in a silent runtime error which crashes the app...