Volhard, Carl

Results 8 comments of Volhard, Carl

+1 or at least the possibility to change the format from the input

I would prefer a solution where you can change the text of every link-variable (%title%, %pageid%...) to anything you like (text/icon). Like: `cols: [[%title%|MyText]], [[%pageide%| {{:edit.png}}]]`

Proposal: Add the branch to the repo string in the repo file like: ``` gruntwork-io/infrastructure-as-code-training/tree/main gruntwork-io/infrastructure-live-acme/tree/some-other-branch ``` This way you could use different base-branches for every repository and the user...

Hey, sadly I don't speak go. The Issue is not urgent for me, so I can wait.

Hello @zackproser , i needed this feature for internal repositories in our github.com organisation. Will it work there too?

Tried the -team-reviewers option on internal repos and it worked like a charm. Thank you.

Hello again, I am now in a situation again, where it would be great, if the PR would be opened even if the push did not change anything. I changed...

Workaround: add the following commands at the top of the script which git-xargs executes to do the changes: ```shell git push -d origin git checkout main git branch -D git...