from the timers I think it is the first game of a best of 3? it's been a while and Yes, it is vs the AI. I attempted to rollback...
It's the beta client. Here are three logs from one of the players- the person didn't tell me what else was in the error, unfortuantely. [mageclient-log-3.txt](https://github.com/magefree/mage/files/9176919/mageclient-log-3.txt) [mageclient-log-2.txt](https://github.com/magefree/mage/files/9176920/mageclient-log-2.txt) [mageclient-log-1.txt](https://github.com/magefree/mage/files/9176921/mageclient-log-1.txt)
And here's a log from the other person with the problem [mageclient-log-second.txt](https://github.com/magefree/mage/files/9185331/mageclient-log-second.txt) :
mtg.pizza is a currently runnign beta server. I'm uncertain why the log looks super different
will do next time, thanks!