Radi Cho

Results 8 issues of Radi Cho

Hello! When use this API with create-react-app it fails with building: ``` Failed to minify the code from this file: ./node_modules/api-ai-javascript/es6/ApiAiConstants.js:3 ``` I fixed this for me. Went to `node_modules`...

Easily checkable criteria for projects to be approved should be established. As an example, For open-source projects: at least 50 stars on GitHub. For products: a proof of at least...


https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@menoski/additional-feature-to-rsg-chess-hide-status-bar Some folks requested this feature and I've added it. The status bar in RSG Chess 2.O automatically hides when you start playing. Now I can add option in the...


Currently, the initial message given to `agent1` in the conversation generation mode is not being formatted. For consistency with the rest of the functionality, it would be better to apply...
