radare2-r2pipe icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
radare2-r2pipe copied to clipboard

Access radare2 via pipe from any programming language!

Results 31 radare2-r2pipe issues
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## Environment ```sh 2022/01/14 5.5.4 r2 Windows 10 Enterprise 1.6.5 r2pipe ``` ## Description There seems to be a bug here, the cmd command does not output the results correctly....

## Environment Mon Oct 11 23:03:01 UTC 2021 radare2 5.4.2 1 @ linux-x86-64 git. commit: 84e6cc6a21ec1c816d4d3eb3510d2cdc94330414 build: 2021-09-20__04:53:52 Linux x86_64 1.6.4 ## Description When running an analysis command, `aaa`, for...

so if I do "filename arg1 arg2" it works as expected, this doesn't manage to work when there are spaces in filenames, but this is good since spaces in filenames...

Hi, I'm using r2pipe to try to map a "virtual" file at certain address. The command line that i am using is: ``` r2 \ -a arm \ -b 32...

Now it should work when parsing JSON object returned from an iterator for ex. ``` r2.cmdj("pdj 1@@hit0"); ``` This should be done in other bindings too (maybe I should open...

**Issue Description:** When r2pipe is used to open a file, and the specified filepath is incorrect (i.e., points to a non-existent file), the stack trace doesn't end with "Cannot open...

The first of all thank you for the awesome project. I am a newbie in Linux and Python As a user, I have installed "radare2" and "r2pipe" (pip install r2pipe)....

I want to do some FUZZ testing based on the input and output of the program. OS:win10

**Describe the issue** When attempting to install r2pipe for python2, the following error caused by urllib API changes is observed: ``` Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info: Traceback (most...

In Python3 if you use pathlib module for parsing files from a directory, you get results in PosixPath objects. When you send it to `r2 = r2pipe.open(filename)`, you receive an...