radare2-r2pipe copied to clipboard
Handle JSON parse to work with iterator("@@")
Now it should work when parsing JSON object returned from an iterator for ex.
r2.cmdj("pdj 1@@hit0");
This should be done in other bindings too (maybe I should open an issue). I tried to write some test cases, but I'm more used to mocha and I couldn't make it work with the testsuite, anyways I'll try to add some test as soon as possible
The problem is that when parsing this json stream the delimiter between each result is a new line instead of a comma and every result is inside is own array. So right now when trying to execute a command like r2.cmdj("aoj @@=$$ $$+2")
we'll get this error
{ SyntaxError: Unexpected token [ in JSON at position 368
at Object.parse [as jsonParse] (<anonymous>)
at Object.cb (/home/narib/test/node_modules/r2pipe/index.js:140:29)
at Object.pipeCmdOutput (/home/narib/test/node_modules/r2pipe/index.js:118:21)
at Socket.ls.stdout.on.data (/home/narib/test/node_modules/r2pipe/index.js:251:33)
at emitOne (events.js:115:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:210:7)
at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:266:12)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:253:11)
at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:211:10)
at Pipe.onread (net.js:587:20)
res: '[{"opcode":"xor ebp, ebp","mnemonic":"xor","prefix":0,"id":334,"opex":{"operands":[{"size":4,"rw":3,"type":"reg","value":"ebp"},{"size":4,"rw":1,"type":"reg","value":"ebp"}],"modrm":true},"addr":22016,"bytes":"31ed","size": 2,"type": "xor","esil": "ebp,ebp,^=,$z,zf,=,$p,pf,=,$s,sf,=,$0,cf,=,$0,of,=,0xffffffff,rbp,&=","refptr":0,"cycles":1,"delay":0,"family":"cpu"}]\n[{"opcode":"mov r9, rdx","mnemonic":"mov","prefix":0,"id":449,"opex":{"operands":[{"size":8,"rw":2,"type":"reg","value":"r9"},{"size":8,"rw":1,"type":"reg","value":"rdx"}],"rex":true,"modrm":true},"addr":22018,"bytes":"4989d1","size": 3,"type": "mov","esil": "rdx,r9,=","refptr":0,"cycles":1,"delay":0,"family":"cpu"}]',
cmd: 'aoj @@=$$ $$+2' }
I dont know if maybe I'm missing something, if its the case just cancel the pull request no prob :)