Radosław Bułat
Radosław Bułat
README says: On inclusion the following capistrano callbacks are inserted: ``` ruby after "deploy:start", "puma:start" after "deploy:stop", "puma:stop" after "deploy:restart", "puma:restart" after "deploy:create_symlink", "puma:after_symlink" ``` but I cannot see in...
See #96 for detailed explanation Before: ``` ruby 2.3.0p0 (2015-12-25 revision 53290) [x86_64-darwin15] Calculating ------------------------------------- Array#length 135.292k i/100ms Array#size 137.775k i/100ms Array#count 132.586k i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- Array#length 9.906M (± 7.6%) i/s...
**tl;dr** When we measure small things we have to remove all overheads which have impact. Wrapping with a method and block call is quite big overhead for most of benchmarks...
It's nice that someone found that this library is so slow but I think most Ruby devs don't know that e2mmap even exists (actually I learned about this library from...
This one is probably the most confusing benchmark I've ever seen. Original idea was that sequential assignment is faster than parallel (https://speakerdeck.com/sferik/writing-fast-ruby?slide=45). Later @charliesome found (https://github.com/JuanitoFatas/fast-ruby/pull/50) that this benchmark was...
Fix #16 "Speed regression for #attachment accessor (getter) between 2.2.2 and 2.3.1 version".
I noticed big speed regression for generated #attachment getter. Here are benchmarks comparing paperclip_database version 2.2.2 and 2.3.1: 2.2.2 ``` > puts Benchmark.measure { 10.times { MyModel.last.csv_report } } 0.020000...
This is revised attempt of making `KeyValidator` class faster when checking for existence of given key. [Previous one](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-schema/pull/453) was broken. The problem with previous version was that it tried to...
This commit https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-auto_inject/commit/5605781e1f11ec20b4d15cd9863d0fe40d4b4440 fixes dry-auto_inject for ruby 3.2.1 It was released as `1.0.1` version. It would be nice to release 0.x version with the same fix so it works with...
Hello. Is there a chance you upgrade this plugin to be compatible with starling 1.4/master? To be honest I've tried but with latest changes (vertexData.rawData is now ByteArray instead of...