Hi here are the packages that I have installed at the top of my notebook import scanpy as sc import numpy as np import scipy as sp import pandas as...
Hi there, I am having this problem too! would anyone be able to help me solve it? cheers Rachel
Hi there, yes I am, the export settings I am using are the default ones suggested using the imcsegmentation pipeline Convert to datatype: Unsigned Integer 16 bit - Renormalize: check...
hi there, I'm having exactly the same problem, would you be able to tell me how to install all the dependencies needed? kind regards, Rachel
hi there, thanks so much for your help - here are the versions i'm running CellPhoneDB Version: 2.1.6 Name: pandas Version: 1.2.2 Name: anndata Version: 0.7.5 cheers Rachel
i did: python -m venv cpdb source cpdb/bin/activate pip install cellphonedb cellphonedb method analysis meta.txt adata.h5ad (what i've called the counts file) again, thanks for your help Rachel
Hi there, I have tried this with the test counts h5ad and test meta file and I still get the same error thanks Rachel
Hi there, sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, here's my h5py version Name: h5py Version: 2.10.0 thanks so much! Rachel
Hi there I tried this, however it didn't work, I think this might be because I haven't written the metadata file as a .h5ad file though? cheers Rachel
Hi there, I have tried this and this function doesn't seem to work?