Steen Rabol

Results 38 issues of Steen Rabol

A 'template' go generated the needed classes for using SysOperation Framework instead of RunBaseBatch would be super cool :)

help wanted
good first issue

New href column type can be used like this: ``` CRUD::column('url')->type('href'); ``` or like this ``` CRUD::column('url')->type('href')->text('Text to be shown instead of url'); ```

Priority: SHOULD
Priority: COULD

full/Index.stub uses undefined css class : page-title and form-label full/create.stub uses undefined css class: form-label full/edit.stub uses undefined css class: form-label

Please consider creating a separate language for the crud general translations

My Model is like this: ``` class Form extends Model { use HasTrixRichText; protected $fillable = [ 'form_id', 'title', 'description', ]; protected $guarded = []; } ``` blade like this:...


Hi Package seems to work as described, but the reference or invoice number does not comply with may countries as the number should be a continuous number sequence It would...

next major release

I followed the installation and get this error: ``` Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse::status() {"userId":1,"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Call to undefined method Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\StreamedResponse::status() at /home/vagrant/code/testapi/vendor/awt/apilogger/src/AbstractLogger.php:80) [stacktrace] #0 /home/vagrant/code/testapi/vendor/awt/apilogger/src/FileLogger.php(61): AWT\\AbstractLogger->logData() #1 /home/vagrant/code/testapi/vendor/awt/apilogger/src/Http/Middleware/ApiLogger.php(30):...

Installation fails with this error: System.ApplicationException: Could not find D365FO tools in Windows registry. at D365FONinjaDevToolsSetup.Program.FindExtensionFolder() at D365FONinjaDevToolsSetup.Program.Main(String[] args) Seems that an issue prevented me from doing my job :(...

In the layout blade - /resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php - is reference to and that image does not exists it would be much better to have all graphics included instead of using...


Hi Any plans on supporting Laravel 9?