Michael Haase
Michael Haase
Trezor also allows for multiple accounts.
If it's ok, I'll pick this one up. I've been working on the Miniscript/multi-key topics and this seems like a natural extension.
In short: any changes that touch Bitcoin :-)
Figma designs are [here](https://www.figma.com/file/NrJQuNwAHN9KwBsrAqU7Q7/Bitcoin-Core-App-Design-(Michael)?type=design&node-id=7950%3A5187&mode=design&t=I3gGKcuRZAkS2PbW-1).
The animations look great. Especially the block clock is awesome.
Started a Figma file here: https://www.figma.com/design/NrJQuNwAHN9KwBsrAqU7Q7/Bitcoin-Core-App-Design-(Michael)?node-id=9017-6161&t=A1ar6k7SFxBeqoXS-1 It includes: - MVP scope - Clickable prototype - Concepts for silent payments & tags (potential future scope)
Taking another look at this, I think the scoping for the MVP makes sense. But why split up the fee selection into two parts? Is it too much work on...
Looks good to me with one exception: I see the active state (orange) in the footer links, but not the visited state (like Mo mentioned as well). Linking to Nosta...
This looks great. I like the balance between the amount of content and the link for further reading 👍. The page is easy to read and give a good overview...
I'll open a new PR as I had technical issues with this branch.