Pradeep Reddy Raamana

Results 91 issues of Pradeep Reddy Raamana

- Add real world examples - show the effect of different number of ROIs - show the effect of different clustering metrics

- merge from #8 disappeared for some reason :) - dig it or merge it back in

- to unroll 4D data over the 4th dim, - optional input of ROI set or mask - option to cluster the rows (spatial/voxel-wise) and/or columns (time or gradients), -...

- 'middle' returning one middle slice from the views selected - option to select slices within an ROI (`in_roi='seg_image.nii'`)

straight forward implementation of `__add__`, `__mul__`, `__sub__` etc for the `KernelMatrix` class, with some smart optimizations when possible.


so far only full/dense arrays were tested thoroughly. Deeper/broader testing for sparse arrays would be helpful. This is not expected to take much time.


there is existing work on parallelizing KM computation for large N: #3. It needs to be studied thoroughly for computational and storage efficiencies. Also, if the better internal data structure...

help wanted

this profiling can help find bottlenecks and improve implementation with better internal efficiencies

help wanted