Pradeep Reddy Raamana

Results 91 issues of Pradeep Reddy Raamana

Implement keyboard shortcuts to bring these up as necessary, - Alt+E for erroneous ROIs, - Alt+O ROIs with outlying values... - also ability to show neighbouring slices with arrow keys...

- Show slices highlighting ROIs known to be frequently erroneous - also, find all ROIs with outlying values (such as 5% zeros, or over 6mm thickness) and show slices on...

include the command that generated the visualization, along with full flags and their descriptions

help wanted

To maintain consistency across modules as well as improve code reuse, try absorb common arguments into a common parse, from which local argparser objects can be built. [fMRI:]( vs. [t1_mri:](

- Current implementation takes only a perc (0-1) - would be helpful to take in a integer (1 to n/2 ), for certain use cases


- mplot_3d trisurf is not accurate or smooth enough to be useful - look for alternatives, that are reliable and lightweight (unlike Mayavi or VTK)

- once the user spots errors, he or she may want to correct it directly in tkmedit - having a single button to open all the relevant volumes and surfaces...

- current solution based on tksurfer works - however could be slightly inconvenient while it flashes its window while rendering the parcellations - fully native implementation would be ideal -...

Given a data structure such pyradigm capable of holding attributes for each sample (such as site, scanner and other meta-data), device an estimating pipeline (CV loop + other infra) that...

Sometimes some advanced users would like to choose their model or hyper-parameters for many good reasons including model not existing in sklearn etc or needing deep control over them etc,...