Results 182 comments of Vadim Kuznetsov

Thank you for finding this bug. I haven't ever met simulator output huge enough to crash the Qucs-S GUI. Another interesting question is what is capacity of `QPlainTextEdit` that is...

_From @tvrusso on April 26, 2017 19:53_ It is unusual for normal builds of Xyce to produce this much output, but when we're developing we often enable the full verbosity...

Usual `LibComp` in mainline Qucs has the same behavior. If you paste `LibComp` from the user library, it will store the full path too. And the relative path is used...

I know about this problem. Qucs-S currently supports only F8 mode to show the .OP result. The single DC simulation device has no effect and the operation point is not...

> Another issue is identifying the Source lead of the Spice symbols for N/P MOS and JFET Yes, the source pin for the SPICE JFET is the pin with the...

I have added slash on source pin of the MOSFET symbols. ![image](

I have added all required MOSFETs by the commit Now all combinations of 3/4pin M/X devices should be available. The attached screenshot illustrates the usage of the 3-pin MOSFET...

I am not inclined to add a separate symbols for enhancement/depletion devices. Ngspice shares the same `.MODEL` syntax for both MOSFET types and some proprietary software also use the common...

Hello Tom, thank you for submitting your results. It's possible to make simulations work. * You need to set `initialDC=no` to obtain `tran ... UIC` the same as used in...