Raphael Falque

Results 5 comments of Raphael Falque

@orlitany can you add the shot_descriptor.cpp and shot_descriptor.h as well?

There are some missing files related to the includes of the calc_shot.cpp #include "shot_descriptor.h" I guess, the tools used are the same as the toolbox used there https://github.com/zorah/KernelMatching/blob/cb79b080abcb87a42ec01cac383751e342805e99/tools/shot/shot_descriptor.cpp

It might be a good idea to update the download links on the itk website as well to avoid this issue.

I know it is very late but I found a script called [generate_registered_pointcloud.py](https://svncvpr.in.tum.de/cvpr-ros-pkg/trunk/rgbd_benchmark/rgbd_benchmark_tools/src/rgbd_benchmark_tools/generate_registered_pointcloud.py) they made which is not documented which does exactly this, you can download it here [https://vision.in.tum.de/data/datasets/rgbd-dataset/tools](https://vision.in.tum.de/data/datasets/rgbd-dataset/tools). ---...

CV_WINDOW_NORMAL to WINDOW_NORMAL , cvWaitKey to waitKey , cvDestroyAllWindows to destroyAllWindows Same looking to solve the Convert, any update on this? Ended up looking at this [https://www.flir.com.au/support-center/iis/machine-vision/application-note/using-ros-with-spinnaker/](https://www.flir.com.au/support-center/iis/machine-vision/application-note/using-ros-with-spinnaker/). Make sure you...