Added the ability to change buttons for "shake the gamepad" (gyroscope) for the Xbox controller, in the latest version, you can reconfigure it in the configuration file. https://github.com/r57zone/DualShock4-emulator/releases/
Added the ability to change buttons for "shake the gamepad" (gyroscope) for the Xbox controller, in the latest version, you can reconfigure it in the configuration file. https://github.com/r57zone/DualShock4-emulator/releases/
@ZeptoBST Have you tested this in games? Does it work well?
Okay, when I have time I will add it to this version, thanks a lot!
Gamepad rotation on buttons added thanks to @ZeptoBST https://github.com/r57zone/DualShock4-emulator/releases
1. Install Visual Studio 2017 or later by selecting the following (C++: VC++ 2017 or newer, C++ Profiler tools, SDK Windows 10, Tools Visual C++, Visual C++ ATL). 2. Unzip...
For anyone interested here is the compiled version - [OpenResident.zip](https://github.com/XProger/OpenResident/files/10948304/OpenResident.zip)
@TheOtherGuy66-source The project is in its initial implementation, what has been done is already a gigantic job.
Valve updated something and broke
Hi, with the SplitterAdvance plugin, you can make offset coordinates. SplitterAdvance64.ini ``` [Controllers] Position=PSMoveService64.dll Rotation=PSMoveService64.dll Buttons=PSMoveService64.dll [Controller1] OffsetX=0.0 OffsetY=0.0 OffsetZ=0.0 OffsetYaw=0.0 OffsetPitch=0.0 OffsetRoll=0.0 [Controller2] OffsetX=0.0 OffsetY=0.0 OffsetZ=0.0 OffsetYaw=0.0 OffsetPitch=0.0 OffsetRoll=0.0...