
Results 13 issues of r4dr3fr4d

"make -f ../../Makefile lets_split/rev2:default:avrdude" gives: ``` ------------------------- Arduino.mk Configuration: - [AUTODETECTED] CURRENT_OS = LINUX - [USER] ARDUINO_DIR = /usr/share/arduino - [USER] ARDMK_DIR = /usr/share/arduino - [AUTODETECTED] ARDUINO_VERSION = 185 -...

Is it possible in STP to find the maximum value of, eg, a bitvector, a la Z3 optimization/maximization?

I'm wanting to create a simple pcb containing a very simple part - a cherry mx switch, which has only two pins (and some mounting holes). I'm mucking around with...


If I add `generate_pcb()` to the end of the SKIDL example to try to something I can feed into the pcbnew module, I get the following. Seems to be kinet2pcb....is...


I'd like to import a STEP onto a transformed/rotated workplane, instead of importing it and redoing previous transformations. Is this possible?


I have auto-reload enabled, but often when I write to my file in vim, CQ-editor doesn't pick up the changes. Sometimes I can uncheck and re-check the option, write to...

[Ref.](https://github.com/taxpon/openpyscad/issues/8) Added a test for the base class, but not one in test_transformations.py because projection of a 2d object doesn't seem to break OpenSCAD code.

Add 3d to 2d projection feature. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/3D_to_2D_Projection

Add some.

....At some point. I'll do a walkthrough for the [PyErgo60](https://github.com/raycewest/pyergo60) first.