Doug C. Hardester

Results 8 comments of Doug C. Hardester

@tyetrask I experience this issue also and it drives me nuts. Have you found a workaround or fix for this yet?

I feel like it stops working after hooking up to an external display.

Thanks for the video @Gromga but could you write it up instead? In these kinds of things, for many people, it's easier to read instructions than watch a video.

I may take you up on that and work on a dark theme. I actually started messing with Soda to do so the other day and then found this. So...

iccir, I've followed through and started working on a dark theme: Should I create a new name for the dark option?

Great! I've been AFK for a few days but when I get back I want to create a template in Sketch for the theme before moving forward. I was doing...

Hey Ricci, Thanks for getting back to me. I'll let you know as soon as I get it going! --  ``` Thanks, ``` Doug C. Hardester On September 28, 2014...

Another +1. I just installed and I was hoping to change the built-in colors for the primary and secondary by simply defining them again in block-filters.js. No luck, no I...